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403(b), 457(b), & Rollover Options

We’ll Help You Protect Your Retirement — For Life

Market volatility is a risk
You worked hard for your savings — are you willing to risk market loss?

Those who worked in the public sector or for nonprofits typically have a 403(b) or 457(b) retirement plan. Once you reach retirement age, you may be wondering what to do with your savings in these accounts.

It’s important to know that if you have money in an open 403(b) or 457(b) account, then the funds are subject to market volatility. This means that the value of the accounts may go down according to market fluctuations.

You spent years working to build up a healthy savings for retirement, so it’s important to protect your money. One way to do that is by rolling over the money into an annuity.

school teacher

Annuitize for peace of mind
Avoid market loss by rolling over your 403(b) or 457(b) into an annuity.

An annuity is an ideal solution for those who want to protect their retirement savings in a 403(b) or 457(b) account. Here’s how it works: When you annuitize the money in these accounts, you hand over the lump sum in exchange for guaranteed monthly payments for life.

This not only protects your savings no matter how the stock market performs, but it allows you to live within your means. Many retirees run into trouble with properly budgeting their retirement funds.

By annuitizing your retirement money, you can look forward to having a steady monthly income stream for the rest of your life.

elderly woman sitting at a desk
How to annuitize your 403(b) or 457(b).

If you’d like to annuitize your 403(b) or 457(b), the experts at Rocksteady Financial Group can help. We’ll set you up with a long-term plan that fits your retirement lifestyle.

  • two people having a discussion with paperwork at a table
    Meet with us for a consultation

    Annuitizing your retirement funds begins with a consultation at Rocksteady Financial Group. During this meeting, we’ll learn about your retirement goals, how much you’ve saved, how much you want to annuitize from your accounts, and more.

  • older woman with short white hair and black eyeglasses
    Find a plan that works for you

    After learning more about your financial situation, we’ll shop for an annuity plan that is built for your retirement goals. We have access to 30+ of the top-rated carriers, so we can help you choose from a number of flexible options.

  • man in home working on his laptop
    Protect your savings and enjoy your retirement

    Once we secure an annuity plan that works for you, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know. Our number-one goal is to protect your savings, set you up for success, and help you fully enjoy your retirement years.

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